Channelled message.
Working with angels is a good thing.
You need to do it all the time.
Invite the angels into your life so that you and they are one.
You work with angels.
Working with angels is fun.
Never a dull moment Working with Angels.
It is fun.
Have fun.
Fun lifts your vibrational energy to a much closer energy to that of the angels.
Angels love you to bits.
They love every part of you.
Talk to the angels.
We will show you how.
How to talk to the angels so that they listen and so that you hear them speak to you.
First thing is ‘the quiet.’
You have to be quiet in order to hear the angels singing or talking to you.
Yes they do sing to you. They sing songs that you may know and the words resonate with you.
‘It’s getting better’ is a song and we angels sing it to you to let you know that we have heard your prayers and are answering them and are listening to you as well.
We hear your prayers all the time and we do answer them one, by one.
Another way to talk to the angels is actually to listen.
Listen to them singing your songs of love.
Listen in the peace time.
Times of peace are so few and far between.
You need peace every day.
Love is a way of connecting to the angels as well.
Know only love. For love is the best way of connecting to ‘us.’